[SQACBM-L] FW: ARSC Conference 2020: Call for Presentations

Melissa Pipe melissa.pipe at mcgill.ca
Tue Dec 10 13:00:31 EST 2019

Bonjour! Comme vous le savez déjà peut-être, la conférence de l'Association for Recorded Sound Collections aura lieu à Montréal en mai 2020. Je vous invite à consulter l'appel de présentations ci-dessous. Veuillez noter que la date d'échéance pour envoyer vos propositions est le 4 janvier 2020.

Voici une belle opportunité de faire rayonner l'histoire, le travail et la recherche qui se fait sur l'enregistrement sonore au Québec et au Canada!

Bien à vous,
Melissa Pipe

Melissa Pipe

Senior Documentation Technician, Audiovisual Archives  ·  Marvin Duchow Music Library, McGill University

Elizabeth Wirth Music Building · 527 Sherbrooke St. West, A-413, Montreal, Qc, Canada H3A 1E3

melissa.pipe at mcgill.ca · 514 398-3174

From: IASA-list <IASALIST at NB.NO> on behalf of Bill Klinger <klinger at MODEX.COM>
Sent: 09 October 2019 22:32
Subject: ARSC Conference 2020: Call for Presentations

The Outreach Committee of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections
(ARSC) posts the following message.

--- 2020 ARSC CONFERENCE: CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS --- Proposal deadline:
January 4, 2020

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections invites proposals for
presentations, posters, and panels at its 54th annual conference, to be held
May 20-23, 2020 at the Delta Hotel in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

ARSC welcomes proposals for presentations, panels, and posters on any aspect
of sound recording. In recognition of our host city, Montréal, we especially
encourage presentations that highlight composers, broadcasters, musicians,
performers, record labels, studios, songwriters, and personalities in

In addition, the program committee invites proposals pertaining to:
-- Discographies, record label and/or artist histories, the life and times
of lesser known formats.
-- Documenting watershed moments in history -- either recorded sound history
or through recorded sound.
-- Innovative research, preservation and access projects, community-based
archiving initiatives, digital humanities, cultural approaches to sound
recordings, soundscapes, etc.
-- The challenges of born-digital materials and emerging sound recording
formats and genres (collecting, producing, promoting, archiving, and
-- Advances in audio production and preservation tools and techniques for
legacy and digital formats.
-- Advancements in audio preservation techniques for physical media from
cylinder to DAT.

We seek presentations and panels that are informative, display a passion for
their subjects, and include compelling audiovisual content. Share your
special interests with our engaged community of collectors, historians,
musicians, preservationists, archivists, and audio engineers.

With regret and acknowledged irony, we note our inability to provide
playback equipment for dead media, including (but not limited to) disc,
tape, cassette, videodisc, or videotape formats, as well as overheads, 35mm
slides, or other transparencies. However, we welcome demonstrations of
historic audio equipment provided and operated by presenters.


The deadline for presentation proposals is January 4, 2020. Receipt will be
acknowledged by e-mail. Presenters will be notified of acceptance
approximately one month thereafter.

To submit your proposal, see the Submission Information and Guidelines
Section at:


-- Presenters must register and pay for the conference. Presenters grant
ARSC the right to record and distribute their conference presentations,
including PowerPoints or other slide shows, unless they specify otherwise in

-- Please make sure you have a valid passport! Many countries require
travelers to have passports with at least six months of remaining validity
as an entry requirement. Those who do not have a passport or who need to
renew a passport should take appropriate steps as soon as possible to avoid
rush fees.

For passport information:

For information on passport validity:
Scroll down to the section "How long is a passport valid and is it true that
it needs to have at least 6 months of validity remaining?"

For more information about the Call for Presentations, visit:

Questions should be directed to Terri Brinegar, ARSC Program Chair, at
arsc.program at gmail.com

The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is a nonprofit organization
dedicated to the preservation and study of sound recordings -- in all genres
of music and speech, in all formats, and from all periods. ARSC is unique in
bringing together private individuals and institutional professionals --
everyone with a serious interest in recorded sound.

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